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German Future Tense

In this post I explain how to formulate and use the future tense in German. If you want to see a video version, you can see that below. There is also a quick explanation in text about the future tense in German.

Two Ways to Form the German Future Tense

When you want to say something about an action that has not yet occurred in German, you need to use the future tense. There are two ways to do this. You can imply the future tense by using a time expression and the Präsens forms of the verbs. Alternatively you can use the verb “werden”, which works similarly to the English verb “will”.

Implying the German Future Tense with Time

Here are a few examples of how to use the future tense by implying it with a time element.

Ich gehe morgen ins Kino. –
I am going to the movies tomorrow.

Mein Vater reist im Sommer nach Deutschland. –
My father is traveling to German in the summer.

Wir essen am Abend Spargel. –
We are eating asparagus for dinner.

German Future Tense with “werden”

When explicitly forming the future tense in German, you need the verb “werden”. This verb is irregular and requires you to simply memorize the conjugation. Most of the forms are normal. Only the “du” and “er, sie, es” forms are irregular, similar to the stem-changing verbs.

werden will
ich werde I will
du wirst you will
er, sie, es wird he, she, it will
wir werden we will
ihr werdet you (all) will
sie, Sie werden they, you will
Conjugation of “werden” in the Present Tense

Example Sentences with “werden”

The verb “werden” is not a modal verb, but if it is used with another verb it pushes the other verb to the end of the sentence as an infinitive, just like the modal verbs do. The verb “werden” is used to form the future tense in German. The example sentences below show how this can be done.

2021 werde ich nach draußen gehen. –
In 2021 I will go outside.

Was wird er jetzt machen? –
What will he do now?

2021 werden meine Freunde rüberkommen. –
In 2021 my friends will come over. 

Full Video Explaining “werden”

Examples of the Future Tense in German

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