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How to Learn German with Herr Antrim

You can learn German with Herr Antrim via his YouTube videos, but did you know about all of the other options and resources available? Everything Herr Antrim offers is outlined here.

If you are really wanting to put your German learning on track, consider joining Herr Antrim’s Deutschlerner Club! For just $14.99 per month you will get access to his full A1 and A2   courses plus new materials as he creates them. You will go from knowing zero German to being able to have a short conversation in a short few weeks. Before you know it, you will be conversational in German on a variety of important topics, all while mastering German grammar.

Herr Antrim’s YouTube Videos

First, let’s talk about what is available directly on my YouTube channel. Most of my videos are for the A1-B1 levels. You could argue that some of my fairytale videos and other listening comprehension content might be above that, but mostly I concentrate on the German learning levels between A1 and B1. If you are looking for B2 and above content, you are likely better served by another YouTube channel. I’ve got a post about the best YouTube channels for learning German, if you need some recommendations. 

Which Videos to Watch at Each Level

A1 German Lessons

So, you are between the A1 and B1 levels. Now you need to find the videos that fit your level. I have a beginner German course video that is 3 hours long and is aimed at those of you just starting to learn German. If you want to get a good foundation before you build the rest of your German learning mansion, watch that first. 

Then it would be a good idea to work your way through my A1/A2 video series that I made in 2017 and 2018. There are 50 lessons in that series, so there is something to keep you busy for a while.  

A2   German Lessons

If you are looking for A2   content, that’s where I spent most of 2021 and 2022. If you watched a video from my channel in that timeframe, chances are it was aimed at the A2 level. That’s because I created a sequel to that A1 Beginner Course that I mentioned. The full A2 course video is available on YouTube completely for free. You can take it even further, however by joining my Deutschlerner Club. Both the A1 and A2 courses are available as part of my Deutschlerner Club.

B1 German Lessons

If you are at the B1 level, you have probably been loving my newest videos. I started concentrating on the B1 level of German learning in 2023. Since then I have uploaded over 30 lessons so far in this series and plan to add a whole lot more in the near future. All of those lessons are included in the Deutschlerner Club with bonus materials.

I started a listening comprehension series aimed at the B1 level called “Discovering Deutschland”, which comes with interactive quizzes. The quizzes are available directly on my website or via the description of the YouTube videos. You can find that series here.

In addition to my most recent videos I also have some older series aimed at the B1 level. One was from 2017 and 2018 and followed a similar pattern to those A1/A2 videos I mentioned from the same time period. There is also my incomplete B1 series featuring “Rainer”, who is a young man trying to make a move to Germany and the things he learns along the way. There are also listening comprehension videos for B1 and above.

Can’t Find the German Lessons You Need?

Bottom line is this: There are over 800 videos on my YouTube channel for German learners. If you are looking for a particular topic, you can simply use the search function on my channel. I’m sure I probably have a video about that topic. If not, leave a comment on a video and recommend the thing that is missing. I’ll try to work it into my video production schedule. 

What to Do with Herr Antrim’s Videos

So, you found videos that fit your needs. Now what do you do? How can you make sure you are getting the most out of the lessons I provide on my YouTube channel? There are lots of ways, but let’s start with the free ones, because those are usually the most popular. 

The Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your German Learning Journey

I have an entire playlist of videos dedicated to helping you learn German on your own. This includes things like setting goals, making flash cards, improving your listening comprehension and a whole lot more. Those videos are great resources for you. They can help you make sure that the steps you are taking are in the right direction. 

Don’t Just Watch Videos

When you watch my videos, don’t just watch one time and then move on to something else. You need to dedicate about an hour to the lesson, even if the video is only 5 minutes long. Watch the first time and just watch. Don’t take notes. Don’t do anything else. Just try to absorb the information in the video. 

When you watch it the second time, pause frequently and take notes on anything that you think is noteworthy. This could be example sentences or quick rules from my grammar lessons or vocabulary words or phrases that you don’t know from one of my listening comprehension videos. 

After you have taken your notes for the video, try to use the information from the video to practice German on your own. This could be using the vocabulary or grammar from the video in your own example sentences. You could also try making your own explanation of the grammar topic. Try to teach yourself what you know. If you can explain it well, you have learned the information. Again, the key would be actually using the information in your own German sentences. (You can also practice the knowledge from the lessons in the Deutschlerner Club where there are worksheets and worksheet explanations for every lesson.)

Herr Antrim’s Deutschlerner Club

No matter why you are learning German, my Deutschlerner Club is perfect for your needs. It will help you lay the foundation for your German learning and help you master the A1 and A2 levels and beyond.

Currently there are hundreds of lessons included in the Deutschlerner Club. Every week I upload a new lesson with a practice exercise and answer key. Some weeks even include bonus lessons in addition to the ones you see on YouTube.

If you are really wanting to put your German learning on track, consider joining Herr Antrim’s Deutschlerner Club! For just $14.99 per month you will get access to his full A1 and A2 courses plus new materials as he creates them. You will go from knowing zero German to being able to have a short conversation in a short few weeks. Before you know it, you will be conversational in German on a variety of important topics, all while mastering German grammar.

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