Herr Antrim's Blog

Deutsch Gym: A Workout for Your Speaking Skills

Deutsch Gym   is an online community of language learners dedicated to getting together on a regular basis to speak German with one another on a variety of topics. If you are looking...

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nun vs jetzt, von vs vor, ein vs das, When “it” isn’t “es – Quick Questions with Herr Antrim

Hallo, Deutschlerner! Today’s lesson is going to be a deviation from the usual German lessons I create. Today I’m going to be answering some questions I have had in the comment sections...

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EVERY Tense in German Explained! – Präsens, Perfekt, Präteritum, Plusquamperfekt, Futur 1, Futur 2

Hallo, Deutschlerner. The German language has 6 tenses. In this lesson I will introduce them all to you and show you a general overview of how they are used, why they exist and how you form them....

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Words That Sound Dirty in German, but Aren’t

I have wanted to make this video for a very long time. I teach German at a high school in the United States. Every year there are certain words that the students come across and they have to pause...

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Are these the best Anki decks for learning German? – Deckmill Review

Hallo, Deutschlerner! Today I’m excited to share with you a website that can help you learn practical example sentences and expand your vocabulary exponentially! Today I’m talking about...

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How to Create & Use Partizip I & II as Adjectives

 in this lesson I will explain which forms of verbs can be used as adjectives and how you can use them in your own German sentences. Today I’m talking all about Partizip I and Partizip...

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A2 German Café & Club Listening Comprehension

In this post you will find a German listening comprehension exercise aimed at the A2   level of German learning. This lesson focuses on a conversation between two strangers as...

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Das ist mein Haus. – A House Tour in German

Hallo, Deutschlerner! Heute möchte ich euch mein Haus zeigen, aber dieses Mal werde ich mich nicht so viel auf die Zimmer, die in diesem Haus sind, konzentrieren, sondern auf meine...

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Der Die Das Rockets: The BEST App for German Learners?

I have discovered an app that is quite possibly the best app for German learners. It is fun to play, has a wonderful story, the animation is awesome and most importantly, it helps you learn German!...

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Comparative & Superlative with German Adjectives

Hallo, Deutschlerner. In this lesson I will teach you all about the comparative and superlative with adjectives in German. Because I have already made a lesson about the comparative and...

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Genitive Prepositions

Hallo, Deutschlerner. Today’s lesson is about genitive prepositions. There are 4 basic ones, but at least 12 more that aren’t as common. In this post, I’ll introduce you to all of...

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5 Things Your German Teacher Should Stop Doing

There are a ton of amazing German teachers out there. I had some fantastic ones in my German classes and I think I am a decent one now thanks to those teachers. There are, however, some things that...

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