Herr Antrim's Blog

Decoding the Da- and Wo-Compounds with Accusative Prepositions in German

Hallo, Deutschlerner. You have seen words like “dafür”, “dadurch” or “wofür” in your German learning and aren’t quite sure how to use them. ...

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Da- & Wo-Compounds

Hallo, Deutschlerner. In this lesson you will learn the basics of how to use da- and wo-compounds in German. Let’s explore what these words are, how to form them, how to use them and why you...

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Bist du mit deinem Job zufrieden?

This listening exercise in German explores the ambition and aspirations of two colleagues as they discuss their future career paths and ways to achieve their goals.

If you are really wanting to...

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Ein Gespräch über Reisen und Lieblingsorte

Erik und Sam haben sich zu ihrem zweiten Date getroffen und sprechen über ihre Leidenschaft für das Reisen und ihre Lieblingsorte auf der ganzen Welt.

If you are really wanting to put...

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How to Use “Wo”, “Woher” and “Wohin” Question Words

Hallo, Deutschlerner! Welcome to another lesson about question words. Today you will learn how to use the three “where” question words in German “wo”, “woher”...

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Understanding the Different German Question Words for “Why”

Hallo, Deutschlerner. In this German grammar lesson we will explore the differences between the question words: Warum, Wieso, Weswegen, Weshalb, Wozu, Wofür, and Aus welchem Grund. All of...

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How to Use “Wie” in German Questions: A Comprehensive Guide

Hallo, Deutschlerner. In this lesson you will learn a few more question words. Today we are examining “wie” and all of its variations. If you want to know how to use these words, this...

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Non-People Questions in German: Understanding Was and Was für and Welcher

Hallo, Deutschlerner. In my last post about question words, I explained question words that are used to ask about people. In this post I’ll explain which question words to use when you...

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German Question Words for People: A Comprehensive Guide

Hallo, Deutschlerner. Today’s video is going to be the first of a series of videos in which I explain every question word the German language has to offer including how to use them and any...

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The Ultimate DC Comics German Vocabulary Lesson

Hallo, Deutschlerner. Willkommen zu meinem Beitrag über Superhelden-Vokabeln auf Deutsch! In diesem Beitrag werde ich dir einige der bekanntesten Superhelden und Schurken vorstellen und ihre...

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Can ChatGPT really teach you German?

Hallo, Deutschlerner! Are you struggling to find ways to practice your German language skills? Do you find traditional methods of language learning boring or ineffective? If so, you’re not...

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The Top 5 Excuses for Not Learning German… and Why They’re Invalid

I can’t learn German. It is so hard! Der, die, das? What’s wrong with just saying “the”? These words have like 47 letters in them. How am I supposed to read this? I’m...

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