Herr Antrim's Blog

Genitive Prepositions: anstatt, trotz, während, wegen and a Whole Lot More!

Today’s lesson is about genitive prepositions. Which prepositions require the genitive case all of the time? What's up with "wegen" sometimes using dative instead? All that and more will be...

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in vs im: Understanding German Prepositions

Never in the history of German learning have there ever been two more misunderstood two-letter words than the words “in” and “im”. What are they? What do they mean? Are...

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Two-Way Prepositions with Accusative & Dative (Wechselpräpositionen mit Dativ und Akkusativ)

There are nine prepositions that can switch between the accusative and dative cases. They are called two-way prepositions or “Wechselpräpositionen”.

This post is a modified...

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Dative Case Prepositions in German

The dative case has a variety of uses. It can be used with indirect objects, dative verbs and certain prepositions. Today we are focusing on the prepositions that ALWAYS require the dative...

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Accusative Prepositions in German

Today you will learn the accusative prepositions in German and how to use them in your own sentences. By the time this lesson ends, you will be able to wow your German friends with your...

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Plusquamperfekt (Past Perfekt Tense)

Wenn ich in ein Zimmer gehe und meinen zweijährigen Sohn mit diesem Gesicht sehe, weiß ich genau, dass, kurz bevor ich ins Zimmer getreten bin, er etwas ganz verschmitzt gemacht hatte.

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Futur 2 (German Future Perfect Tense) - Talking about Completed Actions in the Future

You have likely already heard about the future tense in German, which is called “Futur 1”. But, if there is a Futur 1, there has to be a “Futur 2”, right? Of course. Today...

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How to Talk About the Future in German

Morgen wird Max eine Reise machen. Er wird in den Zoo gehen, weil er die Tiere sehen will. Um 9 Uhr fährt er mit dem Bus los. Im Zoo wird er eine große Tüte Popcorn kaufen. Max wird...

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Introduction to German Modal Verbs & How to Use Them

In this lesson you will learn how to conjugate and properly use German modal verbs (auxiliaries) in sentences. I'll explain what modal verbs are, why they are important and what you need to know...

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How to Understand Fast Spoken German Effortlessly | Understand German quickly

Speaking German with native speakers is tough. It can be incredibly frustrating when you can’t understand everything they are saying, they speak too quickly for you to understand and you...

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Du hast eine echt coole Party verpasst! - German Perfekt Tense Listening/Reading Comprehension Practice

This lesson is a listening/reading comprehension lesson focusing on the Perfekt tense. It is a conversation between two friends about a party from the weekend before. You can watch the video above...

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Was hast du am Wochenende gemacht? - German Perfekt Tense Listening/Reading Comprehension

This lesson is a listening/reading comprehension lesson focusing on the Perfekt tense. You can watch the video above or read the text below and expand your knowledge of the German Perfekt...

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