Herr Antrim's Blog

Wo wohnst du? – Where do you live?

Wo wohnst du? – Where do you live?

This week’s A1/A2   German video is designed to teach you how to ask and answer the German question “Wo wohnst du?” (Where...

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Mastering ‘Wie geht’s?’: How to Ask & Respond in German

In this week’s A1/A2   video I show you a few ways to ask and answer the question “How are you?” (Wie geht’s?) in German. Since this video is designed for the...

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der silberne Kugelschreiber Book Review

Angelika Bohn, reached out to me to write a review of “Der silberne Kugelschreiber   ” and “Falsche Adresse   “. I can’t turn down free...

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Future Perfect Simplified: Your Guide to Using Futur 2

This week I covered the last of the tenses I will be covering in the 3 Minuten Deutsch series, the future perfect (Futur 2). In the videos below, I explain how and why to use this tense. Below the...

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Active vs. Passive: Decoding Grammatical Voices in German

This week I tackled the topic of German voices. I talked about what a voice is and how to form the active and passive voices in every tense and both the indicative and subjunctive moods. The...

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Unlocking Grammatical Moods: Mastering German Language Nuances

A couple of weeks ago I explained what a grammatical tense is and I alluded to the idea that there is also this thing called moods. That’s the topic of today’s lesson. In this post you...

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Haben & Sein Conjugation Song

This week’s song is about the verbs haben and sein. This is a song that teaches you the conjugation of “haben” and “sein” in the present tense in German. These are two...

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